Technical Reference

V2Pool Deployer

Deploy: Deploys a pool with the given parameters by transiently setting the parameters storage slot and then clearing it after deploying the pool.

function deploy(
address factory, address token0, 
address token1, uint24 fee, int24 tickSpacing 
) internal returns (address pool)


CreatePool: Creates a pool for the given two tokens and fee. tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either order: token0/token1 or token1/token0. tickSpacing is retrieved from the fee. The call will revert if the pool already exists, the fee is invalid, or the token arguments are invalid.

function createPool( 
	address tokenA, address tokenB, uint24 fee 
) external returns (address pool)

SetOwner: Updates the owner of the factory. Must be called by the current owner

function setOwner( address _owner ) external

EnableFeeAmount: Enables a fee amount with the given tickSpacing. Enables a fee amount with the given tickSpacing

function enableFeeAmount( uint24 fee, int24 tickSpacing ) public


_blockTimestamp: Returns the block timestamp truncated to 32 bits, i.e. mod 2^32. This method is overridden in tests.

function _blockTimestamp( ) internal view virtual returns (uint32)

SnapshotCumulativesInside: Returns a snapshot of the tick cumulative, seconds per liquidity and seconds inside a tick range. Snapshots must only be compared to other snapshots, taken over a period for which a position existed. I.e., snapshots cannot be compared if a position is not held for the entire period between when the first snapshot is taken and the second snapshot is taken.

function snapshotCumulativesInside( 
	int24 tickLower, 
	int24 tickUpper 
) external view override noDelegateCall 
returns (
	int56 tickCumulativeInside, 
	uint160 secondsPerLiquidityInsideX128, 
	uint32 secondsInside

Observe: Returns the cumulative tick and liquidity as of each timestamp secondsAgo from the current block timestamp. To get a time weighted average tick or liquidity-in-range, you must call this with two values, one representing the beginning of the period and another for the end of the period. E.g., to get the last hour time-weighted average tick, you must call it with secondsAgos = [3600, 0]. The time weighted average tick represents the geometric time weighted average price of the pool, in log base sqrt(1.0001) of token1 / token0. The TickMath library can be used to go from a tick value to a ratio.

function observe(
	uint32[] secondsAgos
) external view override noDelegateCall returns 
(int56[] tickCumulatives, uint160[] secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s)

IncreaseObservationCardinalityNext: Increase the maximum number of price and liquidity observations that this pool will store. This method is no-op if the pool already has an observationCardinalityNext greater than or equal to the input observationCardinalityNext.

function increaseObservationCardinalityNext(
    uint16 observationCardinalityNext
  ) external override lock noDelegateCall

Initialize: Sets the initial price for the pool. not locked because it initializes unlocked

function initialize(
    uint160 sqrtPriceX96
  ) external override

Mint: Adds liquidity for the given recipient/tickLower/tickUpper position. noDelegateCall is applied indirectly via _modifyPosition

function mint(
    address sender,
    address recipient,
    int24 tickLower,
    int24 tickUpper,
    uint128 amount,
    bytes data
  ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Collect: Collects tokens owed to a position. Does not recompute fees earned, which must be done either via mint or burn of any amount of liquidity. Collect must be called by the position owner. To withdraw only token0 or only token1, amount0Requested or amount1Requested may be set to zero. To withdraw all tokens owed, caller may pass any value greater than the actual tokens owed, e.g. type(uint128).max. Tokens owed may be from accumulated swap fees or burned liquidity.

function collect(
    address recipient,
    int24 tickLower,
    int24 tickUpper,
    uint128 amount0Requested,
    uint128 amount1Requested
  ) external override lock returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1)

Burn: Burn liquidity from the sender and account tokens owed for the liquidity to the position. noDelegateCall is applied indirectly via _modifyPosition

function burn(
    int24 tickLower,
    int24 tickUpper,
    uint128 amount
  ) external override lock returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Swap: Swap token0 for token1, or token1 for token0. The caller of this method receives a callback in the form of IV2SwapCallback

function swap(
    address recipient,
    bool zeroForOne,
    int256 amountSpecified,
    uint160 sqrtPriceLimitX96,
    bytes data
  ) external override noDelegateCall 
	returns (int256 amount0, int256 amount1)

SetFeeProtocol: Set the denominator of the protocol's % share of the fees

function setFeeProtocol(
    uint8 feeProtocol0,
    uint8 feeProtocol1
  ) external override lock onlyFactoryOwner

CollectProtocol: Collect the protocol fee accrued to the pool********

function collectProtocol(
    address recipient,
    uint128 amount0Requested,
    uint128 amount1Requested
  ) external override lock onlyFactoryOwner 
	returns (uint128 amount0, uint128 amount1)


Positions: Returns the position information associated with a given token ID.

function positions(
    uint256 tokenId
  ) external view returns (uint96 nonce, address operator, address token0, address token1, uint24 fee, int24 tickLower, int24 tickUpper, uint128 liquidity, uint256 feeGrowthInside0LastX128, uint256 feeGrowthInside1LastX128, uint128 tokensOwed0, uint128 tokensOwed1)

mint: Creates a new position wrapped in a NFT. Call this when the pool does exist and is initialized. Note that if the pool is created but not initialized a method does not exist, i.e. the pool is assumed to be initialized.

function mint(
    struct INonfungiblePositionManager.MintParams params
  ) external returns (uint256 tokenId, uint128 actualLiquidity, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

tokenURI: Returns a URI describing a particular token ID

function tokenURI(
    uint256 tokenId
  ) public view returns (string)


function baseURI(
  ) public returns (string)

increaseLiquidity: Increases the amount of liquidity in a position, with tokens paid by the msg.sender

function increaseLiquidity(
    struct INonfungiblePositionManager.IncreaseLiquidityParams params
  ) external returns (uint128
actualLiquidity, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

decreaseLiquidity: Decreases the amount of liquidity in a position and accounts it to the position

function decreaseLiquidity(
    struct INonfungiblePositionManager.DecreaseLiquidityParams params
  ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Collect: Collects up to a maximum amount of fees owed to a specific position to the recipient. The account that should receive the tokens, amount0Max The maximum amount of token0 to collect, amount1Max The maximum amount of token1 to collect

function collect(
    struct INonfungiblePositionManager.CollectParams params
  ) external returns (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1)

Burn: Burns a token ID, which deletes it from the NFT contract. The token must have 0 liquidity and all tokens must be collected first.

function burn(
    uint256 tokenId
  ) external


function _getAndIncrementNonce(
  ) internal returns (uint256)

getApproved: Returns the account approved for tokenId token. Requirements

function getApproved(
  ) public view returns (address)

_approve: Overrides _approve to use the operator in the position, which is packed with the position permit nonce

function _approve(
  ) internal


tokenURI: Produces the URI describing a particular token ID for a position manager. Note this URI may be a data: URI with the JSON contents directly inlined

function tokenURI(
    contract INonfungiblePositionManager positionManager,
    uint256 tokenId
  ) external returns (string)


function flipRatio(
  ) public returns (bool)


function tokenRatioPriority(
  ) public returns (int256)


Called to msg.sender after executing a swap via IPearlV2Pool.

In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the swap. The caller of this method must be checked to be a V2Pool deployed by the canonical PearlV2Factory. amount0Delta and amount1Delta can both be 0 if no tokens were swapped.

function uniswapV3SwapCallback(
        int256 amount0Delta,
        int256 amount1Delta,
        bytes calldata _data
    ) external;


Called to msg.sender after minting liquidity to a position from IPearlV2Pool. In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the minted liquidity. The caller of this method must be checked to be a V2Pool deployed by the canonical PearlV2Factory.

function uniswapV3MintCallback(
        uint256 amount0Owed,
        uint256 amount1Owed,
        bytes calldata data
    ) external; 

Swap Router

Use special swap routes exactInputSingleFeeOnTransfer and exactInputFeeOnTransfer, specifically designed to handle rounding for rebase and fee-on-transfer tokens.

Single Swap

function exactInputSingle(
    ExactInputSingleParams calldata params
    returns (uint256 amountOut)
function exactOutputSingle(
    ExactOutputSingleParams calldata params
    returns (uint256 amountIn
function exactInputFeeOnTransfer(ExactInputParams calldata params)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)


function exactInput(
    ExactInputParams memory params
    returns (uint256 amountOut
function exactOutput(
    ExactOutputParams memory params
    returns (uint256 amountIn) 
  function exactInputFeeOnTransfer(ExactInputParams calldata params)
        returns (uint256 amountOut)

Last updated